ICONADD 4.0 : Beyond the Logic

The science of art and design - finding solutions through communication

The fine arts department of Padang State University gives you the honor to welcome you to ICONADD 4.0 2024. This conference will be held in 30 October 2024, at FBS UNP, Padang, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia, and elsewhere (online meeting) [Hybrid Conference] . We invite participants to ICONADD 4.0 with the theme " The science of art and design - finding solutions through communication.

This conference will be an excellent forum for sharing knowledge and research findings among academics, professionals and governments. The primary goal of the first ICONAD 4.0 is to promote multidisciplinary understanding of the latest research and innovation through discussion, exchange and sharing among researchers, practitioners, academics and students.

The ICONADD 4.0 2024 conference aims to bring together leading researchers, scholars, teachers and students from around the world to share the innovations and new trends realized on “Current Issues in Collaborative Learning and Digital Technologies in Art and Design” in their experiences and research. results and learn from each other on several aspects of art, design and teaching art and design.

The conference will be hybrid conducted via zoom cloud meeting and 4th floor Auditorium of the Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang on October 30, 2024 ; at 09.00—17.00 WIB/Jakarta.